There is, however, a right way to end a
relationship. We can break up with someone
without devastating them. Here are seven
things to keep in mind to avoid a bad break
Old Cliches
We’ve all heard them before. “It’s not you, it’s
me” and “you deserve so much better” seem
to be the go-to phrases when breaking up
with someone. But it only makes the dumpee
feel worse. Don’t be shocked when they
scream, “If I’m so fabulous, why don’t you
want me?!”
Dump the overused cliches and be honest
about why you really want to end the
The Blunt Truth
The truth hurts but it also gets to the nitty
gritty. He may not want to hear that you
aren’t in love with him anymore, but it will set
him free. She may feel devastated to hear
you are not fulfilled, but her pain will heal
faster if you get to the heart of the
matter. The truth is a necessary evil. It’s the
best way to have closure after a break up.
Break Up Sex
Having sex with your ex only confuses the
status of your relationship. The dumpee
usually becomes reattached and may believe
you want to reunite. Be a good ex and leave
your ex alone. You are only toying with their
emotions. And that can get ugly.
Don’t Disappear
A man I onced dated just stopped calling. We
had an argument and he decided to end the
relationship without telling me. He literally
disappeared and left me with so many
unanswered questions. It was cruel and
If you don’t want to be in a relationship
anymore, just say so. Don’t run away. Don’t
change your phone number or avoid calls and
texts. Confront the person head on. Give them
the respect they deserve.
Do Not Just Ignore Calls
If your ex is anything like me, he or she will
call or text or email (I’ve taken break ups
terribly!). This is when you must be upfront
(again) and state clearly (again) that you do
not want to be with them, that there is no
hope, and that they are wasting their time. If
you ignore their phone calls rather than being
honest they will continue to contact you, even
when you are trying to keep your distance.
Do Not Break Up Over Text Message, Email,
or Post-It
Remember that “Sex in the City” episode
when Burger broke up with Carrie over a
post-it? And how many times have you heard
from a girlfriend that her man broke up with
her over text message? These acts are just
as bad as disappearing. Okay, maybe not that
bad but it still shows a lack of respect. Your
soon-to-be ex deserves the courtesy of a
face-to-face break up. If you’re afraid he or
she will fly off the handle, at least give them a
call. Stop texting “it’s over” and start calling.
Use the post-it’s for work. Don’t send an
email either. And save your sad face
Cut the Use of Hopeful Words
Words like “someday” and phrases like “what
if” instill hope. That also goes for any talk of
reuniting or taking “a break.” If you truly don’t
want to be with someone, set them free. Don’t
leave them dangling on a string for your
amusement. Don’t keep them “on the shelf”
because you are afraid to lose a good thing.
Being in a relationship with someone that you
aren’t sure you want to be with is selfish.
Breakups are tough but they don’t have to be
terrible. If you take these tips into
consideration, I guarantee that you will ease
their hurt, confusion and feelings of rejection.
They may even look back and think of you
fondly because you made a positive impact.
How have you been hurt by a bad breakup?
Share your story!

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