There`s a ranks of mobile phones users, there are

two types of people, the first type of person who

just make-technology from those mobile phone,

enjoy the technology and features from mobile

phone. While the second type, namely the type of

person who wants to dig more deeply about the

features and existing technology in mobile phone,

so that the device can reach its maximum features,

it must have been the advantages of Android.

If you type the first person who just wants to enjoy

the technology, and you have an android phone, it's

means you waste android potential actually have

facilities that are higher than just to play the game,

tune to music, browsing, and watching movies.

To have full access to Android, takes root, similar to

the Jailbreak on IOS, but Root has access to more

than just change the theme and install pirated apps

(NB: Applications beyond the market, aka pirated,

can be installed without requiring you to root your

mobile phone)

Root is a term, where Android users can have super

user access to mobile phones Android. Android

users have full access to mobile phone, feels like

developer HP.

There is also a term sometimes locked and

unlocked boot loader, the boot loader that if the

unlock, it would be liberating User android in

making modifications to his HP, so users can

changes ROM at will, than if your phone is still

locked the boot loader.

why Root Android:

1. Performance Update

some of the Android Developer, like SE, Samsung,

LG, Motorola, and lain2, has a berbeda2 Rom on his

HP, with Root access, so we can mengganti2 Rom

from the android with the usual developers, such as

Cyanogen, who often spend ROM update, such as

for example on the HTC G1, HTC has not issued an

official developer eclair update 2.1 for the HTC G1,

but by using Cyanogen Mod Éclair 2.1 in G1, HTC

G1 users notice an increase in HPnya Performance,

which was using OS 1.6 donut

2. Interaction Hardware / software

Most OS comes with the HP Hardware android

super-sophisticated, such as a 1GHz processor,

advanced camera, a large ram. but the official ROM

from major developers, like SE, Samsung, LG, and

lain2 it tends to limit the potential of the hardware.

with root, you can overclock your processor hp,

easily use existing applications on the android. in

addition, for example on the HTC Desire, you can

use it as an LED flashlight, which is actually

blocking your HTC to do it, by Root, you can bypass

the block and get the maximum benefit.


move an application to the SD card, yes that is

devoted to the Android OS 2.1 down, which not

support App2SD.

4. held a feature that does not exist.

spica such as the samsung, samsung spica

basically no support for Live wallpaper, but with the

root, you can hold the feature.

5. extra applications

applications that require a full access in their use,

such as drocap2 to do screen capture, drocap2 this

requires root access so I can do a screen capture.

Other applications such as SetCpu, this application

is useful to overclock the CPU so that your phone is

so much faster, it can also underclock the CPU so

the battery to be more efficient, yes of course with

a slower performance.

many more benefits for the root, it's just that now

there are features in Android OS 2.3 gingerbread

already quite complete, such as WiFi tethering,

multitouch, and others.

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