Over the years, we’ve experimented with how often we post, what content is most interesting to our readers and whether or not video is worth all the trouble.  So today, I thought it would be helpful to share 15 tips to increase blog traffic that we’ve found to be successful as far as blog ROI is concerned.

11 Tips to Increase Blog Traffic

Tips to Increase Blog Traffic in 2015
Although every blog is a bit different, you can incorporate these tips gradually and begin experimenting with what seems to work for your target audiences / ideal visitor. Copy and paste these tips into your blog editorial calendar and make sure you’re monitoring your Google Analytics (and that you’ve installed it!) before you begin so you can see the fruit of your labor. You’ll notice the difference!
1. Compelling headline backed by science and experience. There are certain words that catch a person’s attention and make them want to click. Read this for ideas: The Research and Science of Blogging.
2. SEO your posts. Meaning, research your keywords and include a focus keyword in every post. This will help with search engine clicks to your post and organic traffic.
3. Original content. Think outside of the box and don’t feel like you have to copy the same genre of content everyone else is sharing. Interesting, original posts get more clicks.
4. Round-ups. We all click on them. Roundup posts get clicks because we like the idea of seeing a bunch of resources grouped together at once. Roundups written smartly should bring resources and ideas together that are new, different or very helpful.
5. Get over yourself. This is the starting point … to get more clicks, you must blog and blog often. Don’t get caught in your own head worrying about what people will think, which will keep you from posting often. Just do it!
6. Use compelling images. Please steer clear of boring stock images. Get creative and use easy tools like Canva to add text to images or make a custom image that’s eye catching.
7. Learn from others. What sort of content do you like to click on? There’s your first hint to what content might be interesting to your readers. See how headlines are being constructed and look for themes like: numbers, short titles, intriguing topics, etc. Warning: beware not to mislead your readers by resorting to click bait type headlines.
8. SEO your images. Incorporating keywords within the “alt text” of your blog post images will help them rank in the “Images” tab in search and encourage click thrus. See why a compelling image that helps communicate your post content is so important? 😉
9. Sharing Buttons. Your blog post must have social media sharing buttons that are easy to see and use to encourage quick, seamless sharing. The more shares, the broader your audience and the more likely your post will get views.
10. E-news opt in. Include an e-newsletter opt in within each blog post to encourage visitors to come back and keep up with what’s new on your blog. This will increase blog post views as e-newsletters go out to announce new content or special promotions and blog subscribers re-visit your site.
11. Refresh old content within new posts. A great way to bring attention to older content is to include it within new blog post content. This could look like linking to an older post within a new post, including an older post in a round-up or mentioning blog content within other content like e-newsletters and videos.

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